Please read this waiver to its entirety.
These conditions will affect your legal rights including the right to sue or claim for compensation should you contract COVID-19.
We are currently permitting the public to Blais Performance and Wellness facilities if they sign the waiver below.
This waiver form must be signed and submitted from any persons who desire access to Blais Performance and Wellness facilities before any use or access to Blais Performance is permitted.
Individuals who have traveled outside of Canada within the previous 14 days or who are sick or who have been in contact with someone who is suspected of having COVID -19 must not access NTR Canada arenas or use Blais Performance and Wellness facilities.
This access may be withdrawn at any time based on health agency recommendations.
Parents or court-appointed legal guardians must be 18 years of age or older and must authorize on behalf of any participating minors and agree that they and the minors are subject to all the terms of this waiver as set forth herein.
The student applicant on the application/waiver and his/her parents/guardians agree that the Blais Performance and Wellness, shall not be held responsible for any injury, loss or damage whatsoever occurring to the participant while he/she is in attendance at Blais Performance and Wellness programs or including while he/she is within the premises occupied by NTR.
We consent to his/her or my attendance on the terms of this waiver of liability or in the case of a guardian of a person under 19 years of age grant our consent to the terms of this waiver.
I/We acknowledge reading this Application/Waiver and Declaration and understand the conditions contained herein and agree to abide by all terms. All Participants understand and consent to their duty to wear the appropriate protective gear as it applies to their sport or profession.
I would like to access the NTR Canada facilities and/or use Blais Performance and Wellness Facilities.
I am aware that Blais Performance and /or NTR Canada and its staff cannot guarantee that I will not contract COVID-19 at our facilities.
I am accessing and using Blais Performance and Wellness at my own risk. In particular, I accept the risk of contracting COVID-19 should I attend Blais Performance and Wellness/NTR Canada facilities.
By signing and submitting this waiver, I am confirming the following
self-assessment measures have been met:
By signing and submitting this waiver, I understand and consent to the conditions of this waiver and I consent to the use of my first name and last name that I have entered below as an adult and/or guardian to be used as an electronic signature in lieu of an original signature on paper.
I understand that I have the right to request that I sign a paper copy instead.
By checking here, I am waiving that right. After consent, I understand that I may, upon written request to Blais Performance and Wellness, may obtain a paper copy of an electronic record. No fee will be charged for such copy and no special hardware or software is required to view it.
I understand that my agreement to use an electronic signature with Blais Performance and Wellness or any documents will continue until such time as I notify Blais Performance and Wellness in writing that I no longer wish to use an electronic signature.
I understand that there is no penalty for withdrawing my consent. I understand that I should always make sure that Blais Performance has my current email address in order to contact me regarding any changes if necessary.